
Thursday 23 January 2014

At The Vet

   For a few months now, Lucky has been experiencing various skin problems.  He's prone to rashes and spots, and has these painful looking splits on the tips of his ears.  We've been back and forth to his vet, and it seems as if it's a non-specific, general allergy of some sort.  The vet thinks it's most likely to be his food, so we need to put him on a special diet, giving him a specific, soya-protein based food and nothing else, as well as another course of antibiotics.  We also need to make sure that he has no fleas, because his skin is extremely sensitive to them.  Poor boy.
   Happily, he is very fond of Mr. Victor Bates, his vet at Abercorn Veterinary Clinic. He pulls to get in the front door, pulls to get into the consulting area, and immediately jumps onto the weighing scales.  He sniffs around the consultation room intently, and if Mr. Bates and I have a lot to discuss, as we did today, he gives up, and takes a nap.

   Not a single part of this boy is hesitant or reluctant to attend the vets; it's just one aspect of a brilliant personality that makes life with Lucky so easy.  Now, I only hope we can knock this skin problem on the head.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Pillow Talk

   So, the three of us have decided to have an ordinary, quiet weekend at home.  No plans, just two days devoted to spending time together.  Which, in truth, is what we seem to do most weekends.
   Occasionally on a weekend morning, Lucky is invited to come through and have a lie-in with us.  Truman used to do this as well, but he never seemed to 'get' what the big deal was with pillows.  He curled up at the foot of the bed, and was as happy as can be.
   Lucky understands pillows.  Oh, yeah.  He gets that pillows are lovely things which a pup rests his head on, just before the duvet is pulled over.  Pillows are nice, as with all things 'bed', and Lucky knows it.

   I know some people disagree with this, but we don't.  And that's that!

Thursday 9 January 2014

Our Patch

   Seeing dogs being walked exclusively on the lead or in designated, enclosed dog parks while we were away made us realise how very fortunate we are to have so many wide, open spaces in which to let Lucky roam and run, and so close to home.  He's delighted to be back, as are we!

Monday 6 January 2014

Home Again

   It's great to be back after a 2 week Christmas break in America.  Lucky was well looked after in North Berwick, and by all accounts, he was a beautifully behaved boy.  No surprise there.
   In the past when Scot and I went on holiday, his parents looked after our dear old Truman.  We were  so fortunate to have this arrangement.  During the Truman years we went away often, and when it was time to come home, while sad that our holiday was ending, we were always really excited to be getting Truman back.
   On the flight home, we'd discuss the logistics of collecting him, and decide on the first few walks we would take him on.  It was one of the main things which made us happy to be going home.
   We'll never forget the first time we went away after Truman died.  It was our first time in San Francisco together, and it was one of the best holidays we'd ever had.  We were truly sad to see it end. And when we boarded the plane, and once the realisation set in that Truman wasn't waiting for us, we were laid pretty low.
   This time, we had the pleasure of looking forward to seeing our precious Lucky.  We made plans on the plane regarding his collection, and he had 2 brilliant walks after he arrived home; Calton Hill first, then Longniddrey Bents, which is always so much fun.  It seems to be the place where he meets the nicest dogs, and where he loves to run and run!

   It was hard leaving him this first time.  The welcome back we received was tremendous!  And now,  he's loathe to leave our side.  That's perfectly fine by us.