
Monday 1 July 2013

A Lucky Summer

So today was our first full day with Lucky.  Yank spent the night on the sofa, by Lucky's bed and I believe the night was uneventful.  I woke up slightly later than usual at 6.45 and was very soon after having my toes licked!  We took the boy to his new spot for his comfort break, and then had breakfast before heading into Holyrood Park.  

We took the middle path through the valley for a wee bit, before turning for home so Yank could go to work.  Lucky and I chilled out for a bit and I began reading Think Dog by John Fisher, a super guide to canine psychology which is very interesting.  I then geared up, and took Lucky out on my own for a walk.  We discovered lots of new things together, like the sound of cars on cobbled roads, and groups of chattering tourists.  I took the boy up Calton Hill and we walked around twice, doing our obedience homework at the top.  By the time we were on our way home he was walking to heel beautifully!  Lucky had a snooze after that and I nearly did too!
When Yank finished work I bundled Lucky into the car and we went to pick him up and we headed down to Portobello Beach for an evening walk.  What a wonderful first day - I think we shall all sleep soundly tonight!

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